Oferta libri takohemi te liqeni, autori Carley Fortune, libri pas asaj vere, libër romantik the book See you at the lake, Author Carley Fortune, it is an Albanian book, book of Passion, book of Romance nga Biznesi PANAIRI I LIBRIT ONLINE - PANAIRI I LIBRIT ONLINE
libri takohemi te liqeni, autori Carley Fortune, libri pas asaj vere, libër romantik  the book See you at the lake, Author Carley Fortune, it is an Albanian book, book of Passion, book of Romance
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libri takohemi te liqeni, autori Carley Fortune, libri pas asaj vere, libër romantik the book See you at the lake, Author Carley Fortune, it is an Albanian book, book of Passion, book of Romance

Publike para 73 diteve - Me date 08/10/2024 Ora 10:23:00 PM

libri takohemi te liqeni, autori Carley Fortune, libri pas asaj vere, libër romantik  the book See you at the lake, Author Carley Fortune, it is an Albanian book, book of Passion, book of Romance
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Fern Brookbanks ka humbur një pjesë të mirë të jetës së saj të rritur duke menduar për Will Baxter.
  • Artistja e re idealiste, tërheqëse me të cilën kishte një qëndrim një nate në të njëzetat e hershme,një takim i rastësishëm që përfundoi në një aventurë njëditore në qytet.
  • Koha ishte e papërshtatshme, por lidhja e tyre ishte e pamohueshme: ata ndanë çdo sekret, çdo ëndërr, dhe bëri një marrëveshje për t'u takuar një vit më vonë.
Fern Brookbanks has wasted a good part of her adult life thinking about Will Baxter.
  • The idealistic, attractive young artist with whom she had a one-night stand in her early twenties, a chance encounter that ended on a one-day adventure in the city.
  • The timing was inconvenient, but their bond was undeniable: they shared every secret, every dream, and made an agreement to meet a year later.
Author: Carley Fortune
  • ISBN: 9789928377432
  • Libri ësht Gjuh: Shqipe
  • Viti i publikimit: 2024
  • Numri i Faqeve: 314
  • V613    08D1024    K14   PJ10   PT2   PR4
Adresa: Rruga e Barrikadës, Te ish kinema 17 Nëntori, Tiranë 

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libri takohemi te liqeni, autori Carley Fortune, libri pas asaj vere, libër romantik the book See you at the lake, Author Carley Fortune, it is an Albanian book, book of Passion, book of Romance

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Data 08/10/2024 Ora 10:23:00 PM

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